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Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 15 Jun 2018, 16:02
von Neo Jackanapes
Hi Arend,

I wrote you a PM the other day asking the same question as Chasme above. Did you get it?

Is the group full now or would it still be possible for me to join as well?


Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 15 Jun 2018, 18:51
von Chasme
So I wouldn't mind hearing where the group ended up so I can tweak my background somewhat. I'll still write out a proper summary but what it comes down to is:

Baltasar, a young male halfling rogue (aiming to become an arcane trickster) spend his life growing up in Waterdeep swindling people out of their money at the Fields of Triumph. (fighting pits) he's a trickster of sorts that had thought to found his place in the world; in both managing the fights and scamming poor tourists, when unknowingly he stepped into the terrain of a thieve's guild. That weren't too happy for the competition, and hence he had to escape the city he loves in order for the heat around him to die down. However, he clearly can't stay out of the game for long.

Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 16 Jun 2018, 20:03
von Arend
Hej Chuck and Henrik,

With 6 people in the group it would get a bit too big I think.
But I have an idea or two how we can make it work, I just have to think about it a bit longer.
Sorry that I did not see your PM's, I am rather a newbie on the forum and did not get how everything worked yet.
Do you guys by chance know one or two more people who would like to play? Then I could just start a second group for you two and one or two others. If that would be an option for you.

Just let me know what you think,


Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 17 Jun 2018, 10:29
von Chasme
Well I could ask around with my current group, they are rather inexperienced players though. I'll put the notion up during my next game session that's on Tuesday the 26th. Where does that leave us though? Shouldn't I join you this Wednesday?

I mean I find it a pity to hear that someone basically asked the same question but didn't get a reply, but I also don't see how this ought to affect me right this instant though. (as I am player #5 in the hierachy and not #6)

Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 17 Jun 2018, 13:39
von Neo Jackanapes
Hi Arend and Chuck,

if there is only one spot left in the group, I have no intention of fighting over it with Chuck.

I'd love to be part of a second group, though. Are you sure you want start one?

Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 17 Jun 2018, 21:14
von Arend
Ok I have a proposal.
Just both make your character before this Wednesday, the next session is this Wednesday at 19:00 at the Voyager Cafe in Bonn
And send the general concept to me via a PM so that I can write you into the story.
Then I will do a recap of what happened so far and try and run the session with at that point 6 players.
Depending on how that goes we can decide on how to proceed.

Is that acceptable to both of you?


Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 18 Jun 2018, 00:21
von Neo Jackanapes
That sounds great! I have a three of brief questions:
- How shall we generate our ability scores (rolling, standard array, or point buy)?
- What levels should our characters be?
- Anything else we need to know? Any limitations when it comes to character creation?

Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 18 Jun 2018, 09:43
von Arend
@ Neo Jackanapes
To your three questions:
- You can choose to roll or use the standard array, the other have rolled and I prefer that. So that would be 4d6 remove the lowest and then 6 times once for each ability score.
- The characters should be lvl, as the other are at this level as well. It may also be wise to prepare the changes for 3rd level as well, as there is a chance that all characters will go level up this session.
- As for limitations, as long as you can make it "realistic" in a story sense it is fine with me, but I prefer it if you don't use homebrew, apart from unearthed arcana.

I hope the wanders you questions,


Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 19 Jun 2018, 09:53
von Chasme
So I am not sure my pm's are getting through. I've tried to send my character concept through twice, but it's been getting stuck in my outbox, rather than going through to sent messages.

Re: Suche Mitspieler oder Runde fur D&D 5e (Englisch)

Verfasst: 19 Jun 2018, 11:57
von Neo Jackanapes
I'll just post my character here in addition to PMing it. I made a Tiefling bard named Isaac with the Entertainer background:

You may not have heard of Isaac Hellbender (yet) but everybody has heard of his old band the Three Devils aka 3D! This all-Tiefling Trio toured up and down the sword coast performing many of their smash hits such as “Fiendin’ for your Love,” “Trickster’s Paradise” and “Born under a Bad Star.” However, their fame and success were short lived, because their greedy Gnome manager Gustav drove a wedge between Isaac and the second front man Damian. The two have become bitter rivals who now sing insulting songs about each other. Isaac went solo after the band split apart but because life on the road gets lonely, he is looking for a new group to join - preferably one of the adventuring type because Isaac needs new source material for his songs. Oh, and he is also looking for his Tiefling dad, who seduced his mom but was never seen again.