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Looking for Monster of the Week-Players (currently online)

Verfasst: 04 Feb 2022, 15:20
von Mataallo

I'm currently searching for additional 'Monster of the Week' (PbtA-system) players or folks who are interested in said system. The group of rpg players I'm part of and formerly hosted and wrote D&D 5e for is pivoting away from D&D towards the more improv based, modern and monster hunting-themed MotW. With this thematic change, I expressed my thoughts on player number per session (since I best work with 2-3 players as a GM) ans thus I would like to host more episodic sessions (with less focus on linear, consecutive storytelling... for now... ;) ) with a varying ensemble of a bunch of people who could participate whenever they could, without fear of missing anything too important in a session they missed or wouldn't have been part of.

If anyone is interested, shoot me a message.


P.S. this whole idea of a maleable and date-flexible group of rpg-fans also includes kind of a mini-network for people who would like to host different rpgs (Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade are examples some other members announced that they would like to dabble hosting in... those two also may or may not be hosted in German?!?), use as a platform to find other people to play multiplayer video games or online board games with.

P.P.S: I host mostly online during COVID, the current members have met IRL during low-number times throughout the past summer (2G/2G+ and/or boosted). Until the situation lets up quite a bit, my MoTW-side of things will only be hosted digitally. Can't speak for the planned 'Call of Cthulhu' or 'Vampire, the Masquerade' one-shots or campaigns, since I'm not directly involved in writing/planning/creating them.

P.P.P.S: Also a caveat, since it comes up more often during the play, than I'd like to:

We're a POC-mix-and-match, queer, anti-ablaistic and trans-inclusive group that favours respectful communication. Please refrain from asking to join, if you see issue with any of these groups or values. Thanks, byyyyyyeeee :)

Re: Looking for Monster of the Week-Players (currently online)

Verfasst: 04 Feb 2022, 20:54
von Frederic
Hi Bennett,

how often does your group usually play per month and when are you planning to play? On a weekend? During the week?

I have played MotW a couple of times already and it sounds fun, but I'm a bit hesitant about playing in English. 🙈 Haven't done that before and my active vocabulary might be lacking in this regard.

Re: Looking for Monster of the Week-Players (currently online)

Verfasst: 17 Feb 2022, 21:53
von Mataallo
Hello morgenstern,

the way the game is planned is heavily based on a non-linear, episodic way of story-telling so that two consecutive sessions wouldn't necessarily follow the same narrative/monster or time-frame and nobody would have to fear missing out on something by not being able to participate during a session (due to the fact, that I will only host sessions with 2 to 3 people at a time or because of availability constraits). We currently fill out an open doodle-sheet with our available dates and compare the crowded days with what we would like to play, who is on and who would like to host what.

Concerning the game language, I currently only advertise this opening in English because our native speaker, one German speaker and I have kinda expressed interest playing sessions in English. During the run of our D&D campaign, we exclusively played in Denglisch (German as the RP-language and English terminology for all the rules/spells/monsters etc). So I kinda plan on playing in Denglisch when a cast of session-specific players majorly express their interest in playing in German and playing in English, when a majority of a session-specific cast expresses their interest in playing in English.

tl;dr: if you wanna write me a pn or mail with the interest of joining, trying out or for further questions, you could write me in English or German, either is fine :)